- learnersmot2@gmail.com
- Project No: 2020-1-ES01-KA204-081775
Offers tailored services in the fields of education, research, and new technologies. To make it possible, it works with a group of experts in education, pedagogy, psychology, social science, information technology, and communication.
Edensol designs and develops educational programmes paying special attention to the use of new innovative technologies and digital strategies to enhance the personal and professional growth of the students. The priority is to reinforce the skills of adult learners, such as leadership, digital and communication competences, and creativity with the aim to improve their occupation.
Edensol offers different learning opportunities, including foreign language courses and digital tools and provides training courses for educators, organize conferences, and carries out research in the field of education, social well-being and sustainability. In the area of project management, Edensol has developed an innovative methodology in marketing planning, digital tools and communication strategies in the social networks.
Slovenian Third Age University, National Association for Education and Social Inclusion is a network of 55 third age universities in 54 localities with presently more than 21 000 students. Established back in 1984 by two university teachers in the field of andragogy and adult education, its mission is educating older people, bettering their lives and their relations with other generations, researching education in later life, education of people in later life for personal growth, paid work, organised “professional” voluntary work, counselling and guidance for active ageing etc. Since 37 years Slovenian U3A has been involved in socially engaged education and arts for older people and professionals. It has been struggling for better social justice for older people on all levels transforming older people into rights holder and active citizens.
Eurosuccess Consulting (Cyprus), through a dynamic team of young scientists, provides a comprehensive package of services addressing the needs of modern Cyprus enterprises especially on matters like innovation and technology. EUROSUCCESS identified, from the initial steps of its operations, the need for creating links between the Cyprus economy and the wider European market and put great emphasis on the exploitation of the potentials created by the accession of Cyprus in the European Union.
Today EUROSUCCESS offers a variety of services to the public, as well as the Private sector of Cyprus. It has also started to actively participate in international schemes, through a well-established network of partners abroad, based on the intense past experience of its founder.
EUROSUCCESS aims to a constant improvement of its offered services, as well as the development of its team which will give the opportunity to enhance its scientific sector of expertise.
Eurosuccess is currently involved into more than 35 Lifelong Learning, ERASMUS + and JUSTICE Programmes – in three of them as coordinator, as well as is one of the assessors for the Cypriot NA and the Norwegian Funds targeted to NGOs. In addition, Eurosuccess Consulting is a member of the: International Trade Council, European Prison Education Association (EPEA), European Policy Network on Key Competences in School Education (KeyCoNet Network), Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI), Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation (OEB) and Nicosia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI).
The philosophy of Eurosuccess Consulting is embraced within the following four principles: Execute, Review, Improve, Redesign. Through this approach, Eurosuccess is aiming towards continuous improvement of its counselling and development activities. For this purpose, the organization is certified with the Quality system of ISO 9001:2008, which inspects and reviews the system on regular basis.
Furthermore, Eurosuccess Consulting, is an accredited VET Center from the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus, the relevant public authority as regards to training and education.
UPI – ljudska univerza Žalec (UPI Žalec) is a public, non-profit institution for education and training of adults in the Savinja Valley region. Founded in June 1975 by the Municipality of Žalec (at present, six communities are founders) it has seen a great development of its education programs, guidance and counselling services.
Today UPI Žalec offers a diverse range of formal and non-formal education programs, provides quality guidance and counselling services and is involved in various projects. Its activities are:
Goce Delcev University in Stip is a state university, ranked in the second place in the rankings of state universities in the country. The mission is to create and transfer knowledge for providing social and economic wellbeing and progress of the
society, preparing students for professions in which the application of scientific discoveries and professional knowledge, cultural and language diversity, promotion of technological development, development of arts, technical culture and sport is required.
Our basic paradigms are a student in the centre of attention, an individual approach towards the student, greater level of interactive lectures
The Goce Delcev University of Stip has implemented various IT solutions that help the education process run smoothly and up to date with the newest trends in education in the world. UGD has implemented an Electronic Learning Centre that is responsible for the promotion and implementation of modern tools for learning at the university, new technologies, as well as training for teachers and students from universities and schools in Macedonia and abroad.
This Faculty makes an exceptional contribution to the provision of closely specialized personnel involved in all social institutions and actively accelerate the economic, scientific and technological and social development of the country.
As a part of Goce Delcev University, LLL (Long Life Learning Center) was established a few years ago and main activities in this LLL Center are the support of adult education system, creating training courses in a different area of science and technology, accreditation of courses at a national and international level, certification…
OIC Poland Foundation, from 1991 acting for economic and social progress in south-eastern Poland, belongs to the leading group of training organisations in Lublin region. The main aim of the OIC Poland Foundation is the prevention of unemployment and fostering economic development by the implementation of the educational and counselling programmes, targeted at inhabitants of the region. Since 2003, it has implemented more than 150 different projects co-funded by the EU under the different programme as ESF, ERDF, 6th Framework Programme, Interreg
IIIA and IIIC, LLP, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs or Erasmus + Programme, operating at local, national and international levels.
"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein"
Project No: 2020-1-ES01-KA204-081775
Copyright © Learnersmot2 2025