About the Project


Creating a continuous supportive learning environment for the 45+, low- educated and low skilled-adults.

As a continuation of the LearnersMot Erasmus+ project, LearnersMot2 is directly targeting adult educators and indirectly low-educated and low-skilled older workers as the ageing of the workforce is one of the major demographic changes in EU countries.

For this reason, it is necessary to encourage low-educated and low-skilled workers to enrol into educational programmes and stay in education. There is a need to strengthen the workers’ literacy and numeracy skills, as well as their cultural, communication, social and technological skills so that they might successfully carry out their everyday personal or professional tasks and learn by themselves from the environment.

Most adult educators are quite versatile in dealing with learners with higher levels of education, while they do not know how to proceed when they encounter learners with low levels of literacy.

The main goal of this project is to ensure that adult educators have the knowledge and skills necessary to create productive and effective learning environments for adults with educational levels that are below the requirements of the professional, social and cultural everyday environment of the learners.

Good and successful employers trust all their workers that they are able to develop and adjust to changes. Each of them, low-educated and low-skilled workers included have to be encouraged to enrol into educational programmes and stay in education. There is a need to strengthen the low literate workers’ literacy and numeracy; their cognitive, cultural, communication, social and technological skills so that they might successfully carry out their everyday personal or professional tasks and learn by themselves from the environment.

Blended courses participants
Multiplier Event
Good practices


Motivate workers

To promote continuous motivating low educated and low skilled and qualified workers.

Improve professional skills

To improve the professional skills of adult educators for creating a non- formal learning environment for their learners.

To train educators to help their adult learners to:

  • Understand the nature and process of socialisation/technological education
  • Introduce aspects of numeracy and applied mathematics to everyday life situations
  • Strengthen their basic skills needed at work and in everyday life improve their learning skills

Main project results


Conceptual framework, outline and materials for the online course for adult educators.


Web application for low-educated and low-skilled adults.


LearnersMot Gym: a resource library and a blended course for adult educators.

Training Activity

Training Activity
Ljubljana, Slovenia
10-13 May 2022

Transnational Meetings

24-25 November 2020
1st Transnational meeting
Reus, Spain - (Online)
24-25 November 2020
20 October 2021
2nd Transnational meeting
Stip, Republic of North Macedonia (Online)
Goce Docev University
20 October 2021
21-22 April 2022
3rd Transnational meeting
Nicosia, Cyprus
21-22 April 2022
13-14 October 2022
4th Transnational meeting
Lublin, Poland
13-14 October 2022

Multiplier Events

Multiplier event 1
Zalec, Slovenia
October 2022
Multiplier event 3
Reus, Spain
October 2022
Multiplier event 5
Ljubljana, Slovenia
October 2022
Multiplier event 2
Nicosia, Cyprus
October 2022
Multiplier event 4
Stip, Republic of North Macedonia
Goce Delcev University
October 2022
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